First Time With Your Child At The Dental Clinic

Knowing when to take your child to the dentist for the first time can be tricky, so the following points will give you a good idea of ​​when to go, how to prepare, and what to expect.

The first visit.

The first time you should consider taking your child to the dentist is approximately 12 months or at least 6 months from the time her first tooth appears. Poor planning can make a visit a scary experience for your child as he encounters a new environment and new people. So make it a fun experience before scheduling an appointment:

For your child, find someone who specializes in children's dentistry in Dubai, as he specializes in children's teeth.

Before your child's appointment, try taking a tour of the practice to familiarize yourself with the surroundings.

Inform your child if you are old enough what will happen during the visit and be sure not to talk about your own upsets about visiting the dentists as this can scare your child. Get the best Root Canal Treatment in Dubai.

Make an appointment early as children are more alert and attentive during this time.

Make the visit a mini-adventure: "The doctor will see how big it is counting the teeth", for example, tell the child that they will check their teeth and that it is more like a fun game than the real case of checking. in cavities, gum disease and more. Best Dental Clinic in Dubai

Always be positive and supportive when children easily perceive anxiety.

If bringing a favorite toy with you helps keep your child calm, consider bringing one with you.

Notify your dentist of bad habits, such as thumb or pacifier sucking, as they can damage your child's jaw and move teeth.

Write down any questions you plan to ask the dentist ahead of time.

Finally, bring your child's relevant medical history.


Interestingly, the first visit is more of an introductory visit than a full exam, and usually doesn't take long. Typically the following can happen:

The doctor is presented to his son in a playful way.

Sometimes the doctor may role-play and ask you to sit in the dental chair to show your child that it is completely safe.

The dentist may ask you to leave to gain confidence and evaluate the child's response.

The dentist checks the child's gums, jaw, teeth, and bite through fun games and models. They can also ask you, the parent, to help demonstrate them.

 The dentist can clean the child's teeth and discuss good hygiene practices, preventive measures to prevent bad habits, teething problems, caries prevention, etc.

For more information about Versailles Dental Clinic


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